Join Miss Michelle, The Play Lady, for a weekly Story + Play session in the Gazebo in Yunker Farm.  In each 45 minute session we will make a story sandwich (story, play, story).  The play will be a rotation of loose parts play, open ended art experiences, and sensory experiences.

TO REGISTER: Complete the Google Form and submit payment in our Play Shop.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What the heck is a Story Sandwich?  A story sandwich is the format we use during our Story + Play sessions.  We start with a story that gives us a clue to the play we will do and then end our time with another story in the same theme.  In addition to a story sandwich, we always start and end our time together with the same hello and goodbye.  The familiar format helps tiny humans know what is coming next.  Plus, it’s FUN!
  • How long is the session each week?  Each session will be 45 minutes long.  Registered participants can arrive up to 15 minutes early to get settled in before our start time.  Participants are asked to head out shortly after their session is done so the next session can get settled in.
  • What if my child is wiggly and doesn’t sit still during the stories?  No worries!  The goal of our Story + Play sessions is to meet tiny humans where they are both developmentally and social/emotionally.  We don’t do criss-cross applesauce with a bubble in our mouths.  That said, we do try to provide an engaging experience for the short amount of time we are sitting still.  If your child is wiggly, you can choose to redirect them to be still or simply help them to the back of the group so they can wiggle while they listen.
  • What do I need to bring with us?  Come dressed for play (sometimes messy or wet play).  That will look different for each family.  You may want to bring sunscreen/bug spray since we will be outdoors.  You may also want to bring a water bottle.  Please feel free to bring snacks so you can explore in the botanical gardens after your session but no snacks will be allowed during our session to help prevent food allergy reactions.  The grown ups may want to bring a blanket or chair to sit on but there is thick grass available as well as picnic tables.
  • Do I need to stay with my child or can I run an errand during their session?  We do require that a grown up stay with your child for the entire session.  That said, we just need you to be in the line of sight of your child.  Miss Michelle is great with crowd control but since the session is so short and the tiny humans are young, we need the grown ups to be nearby so we can have you help with your child as needed. 
  • What are the ideal ages for Camp Play?  Camp Play is best suited for ages 2 and older.  Even school aged campers will enjoy having an opportunity to play without the expectations of a specific outcome.
  • What are some examples of the play activities? Some examples of our play experiences include loose parts (a collection of materials that have no specific intentional purpose that can give campers the freedom to use their imaginations), open ended art experiences (using a collection of art materials to create with  a general idea but not a specific outcome in mind), and sensory experiences (a collection of materials to explore through the use of our 5 senses).
  • What if it’s raining out?  Will there still be a session? Camp Play is a rain or shine activity.  Since the gazebo at Yunker Farm has a roof we will plan to have sessions as long as we are not in a storm watch/warning and there is not lightening.